Friday, May 13, 2016

Host Family Raffle and Bake Sale

In a recent sit down with Mike Cheesman, the Community Options Director, his excitement and anticipation that he had for the upcoming Host Family Bake Sale and Raffle was obvious. This has been a major event for the Host Family Program for the past 12 years, and it was obvious that Mike poured himself into it each and every year.

He explained how the event started out small, just lasting a single day with a modest amount of community involvement and donations. However, even in the first year it was clear to see the impact the Bake Sale and Raffle could have for the Host Families that are involved with EP!C. 

That impact, as Mike elaborated, is all about how the proceeds from the event go towards improving the community of individuals and families involved. From allowing the individuals to go on vacations and gaining all new life experiences through the Host Family Power Team to supporting and providing for the families that care for and look after the individuals. This one event really fuels the whole program and is why the work and contributions that go into it are so deeply appreciated.

After all those years the event now lasts all week, allowing people in the area to come in and enjoy food, refreshments, and have the chance to win an array of prizes.

Mark was especially excited this year because of the opportunity of opening up the event up to the community on Thursday night, June 23rd from 4pm to 7pm, something that had not been done before, but would give a lot more people the chance to come be a part of this worthwhile event.

The night will be made even more special thanks to the live music provided by several of the members of Peoria’s own Jam Sandwich!

The event will start on Monday June 20th and run through Friday June 24th. The raffle and bake sale will be going on from 8am-4pm during the week, along with Thursday night, and the final drawing will be at 12pm on Friday.

If you would like to be a part of the Host Family Bake Sale and Raffle, or would like some more information, please contact Mike Cheesman. 


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