Every month EP!C's Educational Services team selects an employee who stands out for their dedication, willingness to go above and beyond what is required of them, and demonstrated passion for what they do. This month, Bianca Marliere was selected as the award winner after having worked with EP!C for only two and a half months in EP!C's Work Skills program.
Christie Anderson, Bianca's supervisor, gives us a taste of why she was selected for this award so early on in her time with EP!C: "Since starting her employment here February 15th, Bianca has become an invaluable asset to our Work Skills team. She always has a positive attitude and responds with 'yes ma'am' when asked to help out or do anything. She has jumped right in and has become proficient in many areas, including bus duty. Bianca has shown great aptitude for the work here and has made an extra effort to develop relationships with several of the individuals, especially those who do not typically seek out interactions with other. Bianca has volunteered to do various tasks without hesitation and always follows through with the tasks that she starts."
In an interview, Bianca's commitment to the individuals at EP!C shines through as she gives even more insight into her experiences as a DSP.
What motivated you to come to EP!C?

What kinds of things do you work with the individuals on?
"Two groups- when we get John Deere silverware in, we package the silverware. The two other groups- we do lesson plans on building employment skills and building structure and resumes and things like that."
What is something that surprised you about EP!C?
"The bond between the coworkers, at least back here [in Work Skills] I know we really come together as a team."
How have you seen the individuals progress?
"We're getting there- Jean, she's one of the one-on-ones, she used to not want to do anything- not participate at all and just had behavioral [issue] after behavioral [issue]. And now, we got it to where she will do activities with us... and will actually go to the snack shop and get a snack now... One day I was doing math with her, and then she actually let me color with her."
What is your favorite part about work with EP!C?
"The individuals. I like being part of their lives."
What is one of the most important things you have learned while at EP!C?
"Everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone is still capable. Everyone has their own way of doing things or acts a certain way for a reason."
Is there anything else you want to add?
"This place has been amazing. Just really, really eye-opening. It's stressful, don't get me wrong, it's stressful, but at the end of the day I can say, I was there for them and they help me out at the end of the day too sometimes. They pick up when something's wrong with me- Hey what's going on? What's wrong? Are you okay? Just... this place is amazing. It's amazing how you can actually do something for [the individuals]."
It was clear following the interview with Bianca why she was selected for the Game Changer Award. In the short time she has been here, she has already made a difference in the lives of the individuals she works with, as well as in the lives of her coworkers. We look forward to her continued dedication to the individuals and EP!C's mission!
If you or someone you know would like to join Bianca as a DSP at EP!C, we currently have open positions and would love to see your application! Find out more on our website.
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