Bon Appetit was a smashing hit this year- the event was sold out and raised more money than ever. We took full advantage of the beautiful Grand Ballroom at the Pere Marquette this year, which fit the theme of a royal evening to a T. The chandeliers complimented the lavish royal blue, gold, and silver decorations, while the classically painted walls and high ceilings of the Cotillian Room were the perfect setting for the silent auction artwork.
The evening began with an exclusive VIP hour where guests had the opportunity to meet Chef McGrady before the main event. The VIP hour featured plenty of opportunities for socializing and a signature basil lemon drop cocktail that utilized freshly picked basil microgreens from EP!C Harvest.
Following the VIP hour, the main doors to the Cotillian Room and the Grand Ballroom were opened and guests were able to peruse the silent auction items and meet and greet one another. Many of the artists whose work was featured in the silent auction were also present and able to speak with interested guests.

Following Chef McGrady's address, guests were served the first and second courses of the meal- asparagus soup with avocado and lump crab followed by a pink grapefruit and feta salad with avocado and caramelized pecans with an agave lime dressing.

As guests finished up their meal, they prepared for the live auction featuring a four-course craft beer dinner for ten at Thyme, a trip to Napa Valley, an all-inclusive getaway to Jamaica, and a four-course dinner for ten prepared at home by Chef Luca who was the feature chef at Bon Appetit 2015. Chef McGrady then threw everyone for a loop by offering an exclusive dinner for forty people scheduled for September 2 that he would cook using specially grown Harvest produce. Within five minutes all tickets were sold!
The evening ended with the drawing of the winner of the hand-crafted Bremer Jewelry necklace inspired by Princess Diana and the closing of the silent auction.
With an evening as full and as lively as that, it is no wonder Bon Appetit 2016 was such a success! We owe a big thanks to our generous sponsors who not only supported Bon Appetit, but also support EP!C and the work that we do.
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