Friday, January 29, 2016

The EP!C Hub: A Gateway to Endless Possibilities

You may have heard of the EP!C Hub and how it is one of the features that sets EP!C apart from the rest, but I am betting you have not heard about all of the things the Hub does. The Hub is one of Educational Services' many programs that provides opportunities for EP!C individuals to access and utilize technology for a number of different purposes. It is aptly named, as it acts as the intersection between curious minds, information, employment, education, technology, communication, hobbies, and more.

So, how, exactly, does the Hub provide this amazing service, you might ask. There are many stories we could tell of how the Hub has changed EP!C individuals' lives and possibilities, but I will limit this post to an overview of the ways the Hub is making a difference:

Adaptive Technology

One of the biggest obstacles in utilizing technology for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities is the traditional keyboard, mouse, and screen size, which does not allow people who may have limited ranges of motion or need to magnify the screen to use technology effectively. The Hub provides individuals with a wide range of devices to help them use the technology from special keyboards to buttons that they can click with their heads, elbows, or knees to select an option to trackballs that are more easily manipulated than mice.

Communication Devices

The Hub also provides and assists with the use of individuals' electronic communication devices. These devices open up a world of opportunities as they allow individuals to communicate in real time with those around them as they aid those with severe speech impairments to express themselves. These devices can also be connected directly to a computer, allowing them to use computers more effectively.

Classroom Technology and Education

As part of the EP!C Hub Outreach program, the Hub also outfits EP!C classrooms with computers and projectors to facilitate lessons. With these tools, EP!C individuals can more easily see, read, and interact with the material they are learning as a group.

Technology at Home

Another arm of the EP!C Hub Outreach program provides computers for all twenty-one of EP!C's group homes. The computers can be used to connect with others, access needed information, and promote leisure time activities.


Because the Hub's adaptive technology enables individuals to more effectively use computers, EP!C individuals also have the opportunity to do paid computer work to earn a paycheck on their own. Many EP!C individuals design and print flyers, posters, calendars, and greeting cards; develop presentation materials; create business cards; and enter data.

Hobbies and Leisure Time

When EP!C individuals are not using the computers for paid work, they have time to pursue their interests on the computer. On any given day you might see one person browsing antique tractors, another chatting with friends on Facebook, and yet another watching the latest WWE match.

The EP!C Hub is just that- a hub of intersecting strands of life where individuals at EP!C can pursue their interests and achieve their goals. Whether it is paid work or browsing the internet, the Hub contributes greatly to the building of self-esteem and independence, while improving overall quality of life.

Friday, January 15, 2016

EP!C Prepares for Bon Appétit 2016 with EP!Casso

There's no time like the present, and that is why we are already working toward two of our New Year's resolutions: improving art opportunities and increasing funding and awareness through Bon Appétit. EP!C individuals can be seen hard at work creating some of the artwork that will be for auction at Bon Appétit 2016 as part of EP!C's art program, EPICasso! Phoebe Johnson, EP!C's Activities Director and a talented artist, teaches the individuals about color mixing, depth, and painting technique while offering suggestions as they paint.  Each of the individuals has chosen the subject of their piece and will be working on them in the coming weeks.

Many of the individuals' pieces are already taking shape quite nicely and will fit in perfectly with the royal them of Bon Appétit 2016. Chef Darren McGrady, the former personal chef to the British royal family, will be treating the guests to a delicious, four-course meal that is sure to impress. Meanwhile, Bremer's Jewelry will be raffling off a piece of hand-crafted jewelry designed specially for Bon Appétit. The art pieces EP!C individuals have been working on in EP!Casso will be a perfect addition to the royal evening. In addition to them, there will be painted pottery created by EP!C individuals as well as several live auction items.

To round out the royal theme, EP!C Harvest will contribute to the decorations with vibrant violas, grown and nurtured by EP!C individuals in EP!C's greenhouse. These little sprouts will grow into full, blossoming violas by the time Bon Appétit rolls around on March 3.

Between the artwork being created by EP!C individuals, Chef Darren, the Bremer's Jewelry piece, the auctions, and Harvest's violas, Bon Appétit 2016 will be a hit. To get your tickets, visit our event site.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy New Year! Now Let's Get down to Business...

Turning fives into flat-topped sixes, joining a gym, and setting the alarm clock earlier- it is the beginning of a new year and New Year's resolution time, a time when we make plans for the coming months and look to the future with excitement, optimism, and a fresh perspective. EP!C is embracing 2016 and looking forward to another year of serving the Central Illinois community with a host of changes, improvements, updates, and outreach. We are celebrating the New Year by diving into our New Year's resolutions and turning our plans into a reality. Though I can only scratch the surface in a blog post, here are some of the big ones to keep your eye out for in 2016:

1. Improve Art, Music, Dance, Cooking, and Fitness Opportunities
EP!C's day services are going to see a big boost this year with more regularly scheduled art, music, dance, cooking, and fitness classes. We are moving the location of our art room to a more spacious one and are upgrading many of our art supplies and materials. Meanwhile, we are increasing the frequency and regularity of interest clubs and classes. We plan to add a quiet sensory room where individuals with autism in particular will be able to engage and learn in an environment that is more comfortable for them.

2.  Recruit and Retain More Direct Service Providers
Like many organizations in Illinois, EP!C is looking to recruit and retain more Direct Care Providers. In order to recognize the fantastic job our DSPs do and to attract the most qualified professionals, we have increased our pay rates. And we are starting off the New Year with an HR bang: a job fair this Saturday, January 9 from 9-12 a.m. at EP!C. We are looking forward to growing the EP!C team to continue offering the high level of care we are known for.

3. Expand the EP!C Host Family Program

The EP!C Host Family Program enables individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities to be immersed in home, community, and work life, allowing for more independence while maintaining an EP!C network of support. The Host Family Program is welcoming seven new host providers within just the first two months! This is sure to be an exciting year as Host Family continues to match more individuals and host families over the course of 2016.

4. Increase Community Involvement through Service
We believe that we can accomplish the most when we work together, which is why we are increasing our engagement with the community through service. We are hosting more volunteers at EP!C as well as volunteering in other community projects. Through our involvement with Bradley, CAT, United Way, Early Ford V-8, Limestone High School, OSF, and Ameren volunteers over the past year, we have witnessed the difference a helping hand can make. For more information of ways you can support EP!C by volunteering see a list of our upcoming projects at

5. Cultivate Relationships between EP!C Harvest and More Local Restaurants
Our record-breaking poinsettia sales of December were a harbinger EP!C Harvest's big plans for 2016. Not only is Harvest expanding the garden to be able to produce a greater amount and variety of fresh produce, it is also in the process of building partnerships with more local restaurants and vendors. Keep posted for updates as Harvest gears up for the growing season by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter!

6. Increase Fundraising and Awareness through Bon Appetit
We are already getting ready for Bon Appetit 2016 and plan to make this year's Bon Appetit our most successful yet. Chef Darren McGrady, former personal chef to Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Diana, and Princes William and Henry, will be our featured chef, and we will hold live and silent auctions and have a raffle for a custom-designed piece from Bremer's Jewelry. It is sure to be an exciting evening as we share what we do here at EP!C and how the community can help support us.

7. Employ More EP!C Individuals through Community and Organizational Employment
EP!C's individuals are well-known for their dedication, enthusiasm, and attention to detail throughout the Peoria area when it comes to employment. This year we plan to increase our contracts with companies and organizations for work at EP!C's production facility as well as increase the number of individuals working in the community.

8. Relaunch Our Website
We are in the process of redesigning the EP!C website and will be launching it early this year. By redesigning our website, we hope to better connect with those we serve, our community partners, and families more effectively, providing the information and support they need. Keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks for more information about our website relaunch!

This year is starting with a bang, and EP!C is ready to take it on. We have big plans, and some of them are already off to a strong start. Stay tuned to hear more about how we achieve our resolutions!